Code Of Conduct

Code of Conduct Policy

The following Policy applies to all hockey played whether, league games, friendly matches or training sessions across both the senior and junior sections of the Old Cranleighan Hockey Club. In addition to players the policy encompasses the behaviours of coaches, supports and parents / guardians.

England Hockey has a Code of Ethics and Behaviour, entitled ‘RESPECT’. The Code of Behaviour outlines the expected levels of behaviour for everyone involved in hockey. Although EH is responsible for setting standards, each member of the hockey family has a responsibility to ensure equal access and opportunity for all. Old Cranleighan  Hockey Club fully supports and adopts the England Hockey “Respect” Code of Ethics and Behaviour.

Old Cranleighan Hockey Club Expected Minimum Standards of Behaviour and Conduct


  • Respect the spirit of fair play in hockey. This is more than playing within the rules. It also incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always participating with the right spirit.
  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of others.
  • Respect umpires, officials, coaches, players and spectators. No abuse will be tolerated at any time.
  • Conduct yourself in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect your own safety and the safety of others.
  • Never participate when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Promote the reputation of the sport and take all possible steps to prevent it from being brought into disrepute.
  • Accept success and failure, victory and defeat, with dignity.
  • Set a positive example for others, particularly young participants and spectators.
  • Protect others involved in the game from verbal or physical abuse and threatening or intimidating behaviour.
  • Shake hands with opponents and Umpires at the end of a game.
  • Never use inappropriate language or gestures.


Playing Conduct

  • Let Captains know availability as soon as possible and avoid late withdrawals except through injury or exceptional circumstances
  • It’s players’ responsibility to check times & travel arrangements. Players are expected to be at the venue at the agreed time before the start and ready for team talk & warm up.
  • OCHC Club kit should be worn for all matches.
  • Players will be notified of cancellations by Captain.
  • Red and yellow card procedure will follow EHB guidelines.
  • Any green or yellow cards issued for misconduct towards umpires’ decision will be dealt with in the form of fines and umpiring duties.
  • Players should pay their subscriptions in accordance with the Club’s subscription timetable for the season. First payment must be received no later than 31st October or the player will not be allowed to play.
  • Players should arrange their own personal accident insurance.

Coach Conduct

  • Consider the well being and safety of participants before the development of performance.
  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers, based on mutual trust and respect.
  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part.
  • Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play).
  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  • Follow all guidelines laid down by the national governing body and the club.
  • Hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and insurance cover.
  • Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward.
  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibited substances.
  • Never share any player’s personal data unless required for coaching reasons.

Supporter Conduct

  • Set a good example – appreciate all performance levels and skilful play by all participants.
  • Respect umpires, officials, coaches, players and opposition spectators.
  • Respect the decisions of umpires and teach others to do the same.
  • Never ridicule or admonish any players. Regardless of whether it is perceived as banter.
  • Support all efforts to remove bad or abusive language and unsporting behaviour. 

Parent / Guardian Conduct

  • Encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them.
  • Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials.
  • Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
  • Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding good performances of all.
  • Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.
  • Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
  • Use correct and proper language at all times.
  • Please ensure your child is suitably dressed for hockey and arrives on time for training and matches.
  • Support your coaches and the administration team. They give up their time to coach your children.
  • A parent / guardian or designated adult must be present at training and matches for the duration.

Match Reports & Social Media

Please be respectful when writing any match reports or comments on private social media accounts and uphold the club’s reputation.

Any fines levied on the club for breaches of these regulations will be charged to the individual who makes them. So please think before you post.

The Disciplinary Committee

The Disciplinary Committee will be formed of:

  • Club Disciplinary Officer
  • Vice Club Captain (or nominated Deputy)
  • Either Ladies, Men’s Club Captain or Junior Chairman depending on section of the Club the disciplinary matter relates to

The Disciplinary Committee will meet if a Red Card, Matchday Misconduct Offence (MMO) or Disrepute Charge issued by an Umpire or Hockey Authority. It will also meet to discuss any behaviour by a player, coach, supporter, parent/guardian or other club member that brings the Club into disrepute.

Anyone being asked to attend a Disciplinary meeting due to their conduct can also bring along another OCHC member to support them or present their case.

The Disciplinary Committee will then agree a suitable response based upon the match day reports and / or the evidence provided at the appropriate Disciplinary meeting. In addition they will then provide a recommendation to the Executive Committee and / County or Regional Disciplinary Officer as to what course of action should be taken.

Based on the response from the Executive Committee the final outcome of a disciplinary hearing will be notified in writing by the Disciplinary Committee to the Executive Committee, to the person or association who lodged the complaint (and any Members involved), and to the Member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.

Individuals have the Right to Appeal within 7 days of the outcome being communicated. The Appeal will be heard by the Club Captain and / or a nominated President / Vice President.

In respect of any playing ban for players the Club Disciplinary Officer will work closely with the County or Regional Disciplinary Officer on the length such a ban. OCHC will also work with the player to help address any issues to avoid future cases.

The club will aim to resolve and respond on any disciplinary matters within reasonable timescales or as prescribed by league rules.

OCHC Executive Committee

May 2020

June 4, 2024