We Will Remember Them….!

The OC Hockey Club Colts this week held a one minutes silence to pay their respects to the fallen heros of WW1 last Sunday. On an important day, the colts section came together with the OC’s mini rugby section to mark the 100th anniversary of the first world war. Will Fawcett – Chairman of the […]

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OCHC Colts return from half term…!

The Colts section returned from half term with extremely wet conditions as we almost got washed away last Sunday morning in torrential conditions.  The U10’s Girls teams travelled to Barnes Hockey Club with some of them experiencing their first tournament coped well against well established teams from Barnes and Wimbledon Hockey Clubs and did well […]

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Match reports 01/11/14

Ladies 1-1 Leatherhead Leatherhead Ladies started strong, however we hassled their attack and kept the pressure on forcing the ball to turn over in our favour. We were particularly good and cutting out all of their options on their long corners, not allowing them into the circle. As a result our opposition didn’t really get […]

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Get well soon Dan!!

On Saturday , the 1stXI’s elderly keeper had a fall and injured his hip. Yes, he really is that old. The game was abandoned and he was whisked away in an ambulance. We all wish him a speedy recovery. In the meantime, enjoy the below picture in which Dan shuns the paramedics attempts to help […]

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Match reports 25/10/14

Ladies 1 – 3 Cheam (friendly) Half term week took its toll with several players resting up and others away. For the 10 of us there the plan was to put into practice the learnings from training and coach Knappy was there to provide umpiring and support which was great especially as there were a […]

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Match reports: 18/10/14

Ladies 1 – 0 Tulse Hill Philly 1 Following on from the welcome return of Toshky it was another welcome return this week to the other Denman in the side, Philly and also another great turn out with 14 players in the squad. All eager on the back of a score line which was not […]

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Match reports: 11/10/14

Match Report OCHC 1XI 2 – 0 Oxford University Jay Harman x 2 After a slightly disappointing 0-0 draw last week against London Wayfarers, the team travelled to Oxford University for a very tough second game of the season. Despite the lengthy journey, the team largely managed to arrive early, with the exception of Wiseman […]

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