Adult Membership

2024-2025 membership fees*

At OCHC we run a membership model of a single membership fee and NO ADDITIONAL MATCH FEES OR SUMMER LEAGUE COSTS making us very competitive in the local area. Training is available to all those that wish to train with our professional coaches. There are several levels of membership fees as shown below:

Full Adult Membership £360
Goalkeeper (discounted for player who own their own kit) £180
Adult player U19-U25 on 1st September £100
Back2Hockey Year 1 £180
Full-time student (degree level or equivalent) / Job Seeker £50


*AGM approved on 20 June 2024


If you are interested in joining OCHC please email and we will be touch asap.


For the 2024/2025 season membership fees will be collected via TEAMO. Membership can either be paid in three consecutive instalments or in one single payment. For all renewals or new players starting the season with us, your full membership fee or first instalment (of three) must have reached OCHC by the 4th October 2024 or individuals will not be allowed play. No Pay, No Play.


We don’t want financial difficulties to prevent anyone from playing hockey at OCHC.  To ensure this is never the case, we have created a hardship fund, supported by the re-launching of the 100 club. Please get in touch with our treasurer to talk in complete confidence about how to access this fund


If you are in a position to help others during these difficult times, please visit our 100 club page for more information on how a small monthly donation, from just £1, offers you the chance to win a quarterly cash prize while contributing to this much-needed fund.


All training, match day administration, membership fees and communications are managed through an App called Teamo. To join please register using this link from your mobile device.

For any queries regarding Teamo please refer to their FAQs in the first instance.

August 23, 2024