Most of the matches were fro-fro-frozen off at the weekend …with our Thames Ditton pitch converted into an ice rink, it was deemed too unsafe to play the majority of Saturday matches. Our Men’s 2nd XI managed a 1-1 away draw against Winchester and the Men’s 4th XI played away to Goan, unfortunately losing 5-3. And like that, the first half of the season is done bar a couple of re-arranged games next weekend ! Happy Christmas everyone 🙂

Winchester 1-1 2nd XI
After five successive defeats, the 2nd XI finished the first half of the season with four wins and a draw to sit in the comfortable middle of the league.
Goan 5-3 4th XI
A game best forgotten by all concerned. Suffice to say, we lost to a side we would usually expect to beat and some of the behaviour of certain players towards the umpires left much to be desired.